About the Project

Upcoming Presentations:

This project will first be presented at the conference That Art Exhibits at LUCA Brussels on October 13th, 2016.



This research was conducted by Maarten Vanvolsem and John Ryan Brubaker under the Photography Expanded branch of the Intermedia Research Group at Luca School of Arts in Brussels, Belgium.


Project Description:

“But we are no longer concerned with inner or outer reality or its volume as much as with the spirit of living reality … We want, in short, to record reality unrealistically.”

– Anton Giulio Bragaglia

100 years after it’s publication, Anton Giulio Bragaglia’s manifesto, Fotodinamismo futurista (1914), seems in many respects still relevant to the debate on motion and representation of movement in photographic images. If we can enlarge its scope to other photographic techniques (Slit photography, Stereo Photography, Alternative Processes, Photographic Abstraction, etc.), the photo dynamism manifesto also seems to contribute to an understanding of the possibilities of contemporary photography.

With this study we want to demonstrate that the original manifesto has more potential than what the Bragaglia brothers realized with long exposure times. Starting from our own results, and with the current photographic practice and knowledge in mind, we have written a new manifesto of of photodynamism anno 2016.

The thesis is a call for practitioners of experimental photography as an art form to expand the range of photographic semiotics by heeding the thoughts of Bragaglia, Flusser, Coburn and others. In addition to the written text a series of postcards operates as an alternative exhibition format. They include a selection of contemporary photographic works which exemplify the core premises of the manifesto.


